Ambrosino and the Randolph brothers, refused to discuss the case. In the Numbers case, a Baltimore Circuit Court jury will have to decide whether the three men charged in the case assaulted the bar patrons as they left that night.
We are still finding other attacks going on in Mount Vernon and around Patterson Park.' 'It's gotten rather nasty down there along with other sections of the city insofar as gay bashing is concerned. 'The closing of Numbers is a great loss,' said one member of Baltimore's gay community who asked not to be identified. Our reporting system may be than it ever has been,' said Ms. 'Is there more than there ever has been? I don't know. Nearly all were described as verbal taunts or threats.
The majority occurred in Baltimore, and more frequently involved men than women. In the past three years, the hot line at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center on West Chase Street has received 153 reports of harassment.